圣经话剧 – 约翰福音11:耶稣使拉撒路复活

日期/DATE: 星期五,9月24日 Friday, September 24, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


什 么?死人可以复活吗?在人看来不可能的事,对神来说却是凡事都能的。这个戏剧性的故事当然也需要戏剧性的诠释。所以,这个星期五,请跟我们一起欣赏团里的 一些兄弟姐妹们精心排练的话剧吧!听说这个话剧会以既幽默又感性的方式表现出这个圣经故事。而且,短剧之后我们也会有一段小组讨论的时间,让我们能够更深 地了解耶稣所带来的重生,以及重新开始的希望。不管你的“死亡”或“失望”是什么,上帝都能让你的心灵与希望复活!

Dear brothers and sisters:

What? Can people be raised from the dead? With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. This dramatic story of course requires a dramatic presentation. That is why, this Friday, MCCF invites you to join us in watching a skit that is carefully prepared by some of our members! The skit will present this classic Bible story in a humorous yet sensitive way. Furthermore, after the skit, we will break up into smaller groups to discuss what went on in the story, so that we can learn more about the new life and new hope that Jesus brings. No matter which part of you has “died” or “lost all hope”, God is able to raise your heart and hope from the grave!