KTV Outing

日期/DATE: 星期五,8月27日 Friday, August 27, 2010
时间/TIME: 3:30-8:00p.m
地点/LOCATION:DY KTV (Dundas & Spadina, 龙城的对面)


MCCF终于要有KTV Outing啦!这将是个休息和与彼此交通的好机会。请大家一起来高歌一(几)曲吧!欢迎大家也邀请自己的朋友。详情如下:

Dear friends!

MCCF is finally having its next KTV outing. You are invited to share with us a time of rest and connection. Please come and sing a song (or two)! The details are as follows:

联络/Contact:David (6478780958)


To signup: Please reply to this email, let us know how many people are coming with you

预计费用/Estimated cost:$10++


In case you miss this week’s event, our fellowship meetings for the new school year will officially begin on Friday, September 17th.