查经:善用时间与恩赐 Bible Study: Using Time and Gifts Well

日期/DATE: 星期五,3月5日 Friday, March 5, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


学期进行到这个时候,不知道大家会不会开始有一种身心俱疲的感觉。作为我们众多UT学生中的一员,我深深能够体会这种感觉。我也知道很多人也许像我 一样,越是忙碌的时候反而越没有学习的动力,翻来覆去的做没有意义的事情拖延浪费时间。在这里,希望大家好好反省我们流逝掉的时间,思想一下,神把同等的 时间赐下给我们,我们是如何来回报祂,祂又会如何把恩典加在我们的努力上面。


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

At this stage of the term, perhaps everyone have started to feel tired both physically and mentally. Being just one of many UT students, I share this feeling. I also know that many of you are like me: the more work that needs to be done, the less the motivation to do them. Instead we waste our time procrastinating and doing useless things. Hope that everyone will take some time to reflect upon the time that we wasted, and think about how God has given us an equal amount of time, so how shall we utilize this precious gift, and how would He bless us for our diligence and perseverance.

This Friday, we will be studying Matthew 25:14-30 to ponder what gifts God has given us, and discuss how we should use our time and gifts to the fullest. We look forward to seeing you there!