查经 Bible Study

日期/DATE: 星期四,五月21日 Thursday, May 21, 2009
时间/TIME: 5:00-7:30p.m

大家盼望已久的暑假终于开始了,不知道大家都有什么打算呢?是不是开始度假旅行的计划,或者开始挣暑期工作经验了,或者还在summer school奋斗?Anyways,没有团契的暑假会显得格外漫长吧!还好还好,咱们的cell group(bible study)将于本周四(五月21日)开始第一次的查经活动,希望到时侯能见到大家哦。我们将有很精彩的经文要一起探索,{ 提摩太前书 第一章} 期待大家一起参与。

The summer vacation that everyone has been anticipating is finally here, what is everyone up to this summer? Any vacation plans or summer jobs or summer school? Anyways, we’ll be having our first bible study cell group this Thursday (May 21). Hope everyone can come and explore 1 Timothy 1 with us.